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Electrical & Electronic Engineering



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PhD Thesis Template (LaTex)

Below are the steps to compile your thesis in LaTex. A template has been written and you will need to use WinEdt to compile it from the main file (phd_thesis_format.tex).

1. Download the file and mythesis.cls file .

2. Open the main file, which is phd_thesis.tex in this case with WinEdt. You can do editing and inserting chapters into the main file.

3. After completed editing and inserting contents, click on "LaTex" button or Shift + Ctrl + L.

4. Click on "Bib" button or Shift + Ctrl + B.

5. Click on "LaTex" button or Shift + Ctrl + L twice.

6. Click on "dvi -> ps" button or Shift + Ctrl + D.

7. Finnaly click on "ps -> pdf" button. A pdf file of your thesis will be generated.










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